I could literally wake up, roll off the bed into a cushy chair with wheels, gently push my way to the computer console, have a meeting with my boss over a webcam, do my work by mere keyboard strokes, order my food by bluetooth, all while my iRobot vacuums the floor. If I feel like I may need some sunshine, my screen saver can perfectly emulate a nice summer day.
This is why the Wii fit is a great concept. I really like the idea of a computer technology which is designed solely to promote human movement. The body was designed for a time when we had to chase down wooly mammoths and run away from cats twice our size. Now all we need for food and defense is a credit card and a TASER gun.
So, in a way, the Wii is quite a revolutionary idea. I really did like the idea of a Wii workout room. Video games are so immersive now that it is pretty brilliant to use this world as a motivation to exercise...to turn it into a fun game and not torture.
I also really like the NutritionData site. Typing in my information I realize that I need to get this bacon double cheeseburger out of mouth, strap on some boxing gloves, and go a few rounds with a young Cassius Clay on the holodeck.